Welcome to Northern Light Zen Center
The Northern Light Zen Center in Topsham, Maine was established in 2002. The Zen Center is open to everyone. Besides regular meditation practice, we offer training workshops and Zen retreats led by Zen Masters and Master Dharma Teachers (JDPSN) of the Kwan Um School of Zen.
Our physical location for live meditation practice and retreats is 202 Meadow Road, Topsham Maine 04086
Upcoming Retreats
A retreat is an important time to investigate our life and clear our mind of habitual thinking in order to attain our wisdom and compassion to help this world. Practice includes sitting and walking meditation, bowing, chanting, kong-an interviews and formal meals. All practice is held in silence. View our other Scheduled Events .
Please contact the Northern Light Zen Center for more information.
Northern Light Zen Center has hybrid Zoom-live practice options
If you would like to join us for practice, we have hybrid Zoom–live practice on Wednesday evenings, and Zoom-only practice early mornings on Tuesdays and Fridays. We ask everyone attending in person to be fully COVID vaccinated. To attend a Zoom session for the first time, please email northernlightzencenter@gmail.com or Abbot@nlzc.info, to request a Zoom invitation. (Due to Zoom bombing, we can’t publish the meeting id’s here.) You may also call (207) 835-1480 for info.
Guiding Teacher: Terry Cronin, JDPSN
Terry Cronin, JDPSN started practicing Zen and Christian contemplation in 1980 while a student at Yale Divinity School. Since 1986, he has trained in the Kwan Um School of Zen. He received inka from Zen Master Soeng Hyang in April 2014. Terry is the Guiding Teacher for Northern Light Zen Center, Cape Cod Zen Center and Plymouth Zen Group. He retired at the end of 2021 after working in hospice care for over 25 years. He lives in Maine and has one adult son.