Our March Retreat at NLZC

Hi Everyone!  I wanted to put up a belated post about our first retreat here at the New Northern Light Zen Center.  It was held the weekend of March 2nd and 3rd.  The Retreat was led by our guiding teacher Zen Master Soeng Hyang.  I think it was very well attended.  Lots of sitting practice and interviews with ZMSH.  Wonderful!  We had about 15 folks and the space felt great.  And of course the food was excellent.  Please let me know if I have left something or someone important out and I can update this post.  Check out the pictures!


The Empty Gate Zen Center – YouTube Channel.


I was at our Zen Center not long ago for Wednesday practice.  As is usual we ended the evening with a short reading and some discussion.  I had questions, as always, about Kong-ans.  Colin, our Abbot, forwarded me a link that evening for a Dharma talk given by Zen Master Dae Kwang.  Very very good.  So as I browsed about youtube reading other presentations, I realized that this was a ‘channel’ of many talks and excerpts of talks given at the Empty Gate Zen Center.  I thought it might be useful to share.  So here it is.


I hope all who visit find it as ‘enlightening’ as I did!



Fundamentals of Meditation Workshop- 2/19/2011 9:00 – 11:00 am

This workshop is a careful review of sitting meditation with practical hints to achieve a comfortable and stable posture that lasts you the duration of a sitting period. The format is interactive and experiential, alternating instruction with short meditation sessions. It introduces several types of mindfulness practices that you can try when meditating. It will also discuss common obstacles to practice and how to deal with them. If you are new to meditation this will give you a chance to learn the basics, ask questions and get advice. If you are already experienced this will give you a chance to review your practice and get some helpful hints as well. Free.