Dharma Room

It’s finally completed!!  Our dharma room is done and it is beautiful!  We are sitting our first retreat there this Saturday the 27th.  Now onto to other (much smaller) projects!

NLZC Dharma Room

2016-02-24 18.24.01

2016-02-24 18.25.22 2016-02-24 18.25.35 2016-02-24 21.30.19 2016-02-24 21.30.36 2016-02-24 21.32.13

Check out the floor going in!  We had a good crew there on Sunday Feb 14th.  It won’t be long now.

2016-02-14 11.02.48 2016-02-14 11.03.02 2016-02-14 13.44.09

We are getting closer!  Check out our Dharma Room!  All we have next is the floor and then……Badda Bing!   It’s sittin’ time!

2016-02-03 18.18.04 2016-02-03 18.18.49 2016-02-03 18.18.55 2016-02-03 18.18.59

Some updates!  It’s been a while I know but check out these four pics of the new room.  On Aug 29th we painted a primer coat in preparation for a final coat of paint.  Looks good right?!  I kind of like the panorama of the whole room.





Northern Light Zen Center is building a new Dharma Room.

Spring becomes Summer and Summer becomes Fall. The Northern Light Zen Center have found this to be a busy time here in Topsham, Maine.  We are working hard to complete our new Dharma Room!

A few years ago (has it been that long!?) Northern Light moved into its new home in Topsham. A raised ranch with an attached garage. We cleaned it up, sanded and buffed the hardwood floors, painted the rooms over with fresh paint and did all kinds of repairs.  We have been having regular practice and retreats for some time now.  However the current dharma room is sort of small.  Our intention has always been to convert the attached garage to a much larger and comfortable dharma room.  This year we began that conversion.  Exciting and Wonderful!

We have cut an access door into the main building.  It now has a nice door and steps to allow entry in and out.  We put down stringers and a sub-floor and it doesn’t have any squeaks!  Probably one of the more important things we did, with winter fast approaching, was to take out the existing garage door and replace it with a lovely wall and clerestory windows. Our progress has been great!  We will be continuing our construction, adding in more windows and a ceiling. As well as wiring for electrical outlets and lighting. Insulating walls and putting up sheetrock.  It feels very nice to see the accomplishments we have made and we are very encouraged.  This will greatly help with retreats and regular practice and we can have more people join us.  We thought it would be nice to share this information and some pictures to show what we have done.

For the Northern Light Zen Center this is together action at its best!

A Newly install glass door for the Dharma Room.
A Newly install glass door for the Dharma Room.

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