Kwan Um School of Zen offers an Online Sangha here for those people who are not able to get to a local zen center. This virtual Sangha provides a virtual practice community in the Kwan Um Zen tradition. The above link will connect you to virtual sangha resources. Click here too! Become a member of the study group and have access to resources of the Online Sangha. Registration and membership is very affordable.
Northern Light Zen Center hopes that you find this helpful and perhaps, umm…Enlightening. 🙂
The Kwan Um Online Sangha provides podcast and regular live study groups These can be watched live (and people are able to ask questions) or as recordings, which are posted withing 24 hours.
As a sample here is a clip from Zen Master Soeng Hyang’s session on Zen Buddhism called “Being clever is different than tasting the tea.