In case there are folks who are not in the Maine Buddhist Gathering email chain, I wanted to add this update.
Dear Maine Buddhist Gathering Community,
The Maine Buddhist Gathering was inspired by a desire to bring together different sanghas, meditation groups, individuals and Buddhist traditions to share resources, build community, and support practice. We maintained a listing of sanghas and meditation centers throughout the state, and served as a resource for individuals with established practices as well as those new to practice. Over the years we hosted Buddhist Movie Nights, potlucks, talks, and community meditation events. Thank you to everyone who supported these efforts.
We want to let you know that in the next couple of weeks, the Maine Buddhist Gathering’s website will no longer be available. There are many other on-line resources and ways for folks to find their way to practice, and, we don’t think the absence of our website will have a negative impact on the community. Some examples of these resources are:,, or the sangha listings on our website that will be available for a couple more weeks.
In addition, Nancy Markowitz, a Maine Buddhist Gathering member, has expressed an interest in hosting some Buddhist themed events in the future. She invites you to join her mailing list and learn more about her plans.If you’re interested, email her directly at:
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. Rest assured that your email address associated with the Maine Buddhist Gathering will not be shared.
Be well, and thank you for our continued practice,
The Maine Buddhist Gathering