Dharma Teacher Weekend at Providence Zen Center!

This past weekend, (10/18 – 10 /20) NLZC had a good turnout for the Dharma Teachers Weekend at PZC. Bill, Darren, Jay and Terry carpooled together. Nancy Hathaway traveled separately and Edie attended via Zoom. Close to 75 students were there from our Zen Centers throughout the country, with a good number more Zooming in. Everyone seemed so happy to see their Dharma friends, new and old, many back for the first time since the pandemic. There was no Dharma Teachers Weekend last year because the Whole World is a Single Flower conference was held in Korea last fall. So, this was the first gathering of Dharma Teachers since 2022, and it sure seemed like it had been eagerly awaited by many. Each day began with 108 prostrations followed by sitting meditation and the opportunity for kong-an interviews with many of the Zen Masters and Ji Do Poep Sas who were present. After breakfast, there was a morning plenary session followed by breakout workshops. Lunch, then more breakout workshops and another plenary session followed. This year’s theme was: Developing Compassion for Self and Other: Transforming Suffering Into Freedom. Plenary Sessions were: Mental Health Plenary: Explorations in Vulnerability and Tolerance; Healthy Boundaries Plenary–Ethical Awareness: Embodying the Role of Dharma Teacher; and, on Sunday, Plenary with Guest Speaker (Joan Hogetsu Hoebereichts, Roshi)–Empowering Sangha. Breakout sessions included: Trauma Informed Meditation Instructions; Giving a Dharma Talk; Women Zen Ancestors; Zen Practice and Meeting Emotional Difficulty; Gender Diversity/Queerness: Creating a Welcoming Sangha; Zen and Climate Change; and, Role Playing Leading a Consulting Interview. Credit belongs to everyone in attendance for creating a safe, nurturing space where these sensitive topics could be explored with deep and sincere personal sharing. The credentials and skill levels of all the presenters were outstanding. And the hard work was fueled by delicious, vegetarian meals. It seems fair to say many didn’t want the weekend to end. If you have further interest or questions about any of the topics, don’t hesitate to talk with any of our Sangha members who attended. More information is also available on the Kwan Um School Website, including the biographies of the presenters and copies of the handouts and articles used in their presentations. See https://americas.kwanumzen.org/dtw-2024

— Terry Cronin, JDPSN

Precepts and Buddha’s Birthday at Providence Zen Center!

A group of zennies from Northern Light went to Providence Zen Center in RI to represent! Two of our sangha members were getting their long robes as Dharma Teachers. Ron Turcotte and Darren Brown. It was a great day! The first ceremony of the day was Buddha’s Birthday. Ours is one of many zen traditions that celebrate this in April. We do it at the end of our 90-day winter retreat, Kyol Che. Then after lunch at 3 o’clock the precepts ceremony was held. There were a number of 5 preceptees and some Dharma Teachers in Training and then, of course, our own Ron and Darren getting the long robes and bowls in confirmation of becoming Dharma Teachers! It was a good day. Check out the gallery below.

We held a One Day Retreat on March 30th

Northern Light held a one day retreat on the 30th! It was a good day. It’s always funny how the day seems to go by quickly. Even though we are all just sitting. And it never feels like a wasted day. This is good practice. Practice hard, wake up, save all beings.

Congregation Crawl

This photo is from the Bowdoin Congregation Crawl that Northern Light did with the Rachel Lord Center for Spiritual and Religious Life. As part of this Students learn about different Faith Traditions. In this instance Zen Buddhism. This took place in November at NLZC.

Northern Light Zen Center Precepts Ceremony.

L – R Robert Correa, Terry Cronin JDPSN, Adam Pereira, Patricia Miller.

Northern Light held a precepts ceremony on July 22nd. We welcomed three preceptees into the Kwan Um tradition at Northern Light! The three people taking 5 precepts were Robert Correa, Adam Pereira, and Patricia Miller. All three have been members of our sangha for some time. Welcome! After the ceremony we had a sangha picnic. It was a great day.

Our April 29th Retreat!

We held a retreat on April 29th at the Northern Light Zen Center. What a wonderful group and very strong practice! If you would like to take part in our next retreat please send us an email to inquire. All are welcome!

L – R Bill Robitzek,Chelsea Scott, Terry Cronin JDPSN, Darren Brown, Ron Turcotte, Edith Clemente

Our January 21st Retreat with Dyan Eagles, JDPSN

On the 21st of January, we had a retreat with Dyan Eagles, JDPSN. She teaches at the Cambridge Zen Center in Cambridge MA. It was a beautiful day, well attended with lots of strong practice. We had folks join us from the Cade Cod Zen Center, as well as the usual retinue from the Northern Light Zen Center. A wonderful day! Thank you to all who made it so.

January 21st Retreat
Our January Retreat! Front L-R Bill Robitzek, Jay Seiler Siobhan Green, Adam Pereira. Standing Rear L-R Peter Kennedy, Michael Sharp, Dyan Eagles JDPSN, Terry Cronin JDPSN, Darren Brown, John Stewart, Jan Stewart

Northern Light Zen Center October Retreat!

On October 29th we had a one-day retreat at Northern Light Zen Center. A lot of sitting meditation! Strong practice. On zoom as well as live! We have a half-day retreat coming up in November on the 26th! All are welcome to join us!

L-R Tara Phoenix, Jay Seiler, Terry Cronin JDPSN, Ron Turcotte, Peter Kennedy, Adam Pereira Not pictured – Jane Harter, Bill Robitzek (from zoom)