One Day Retreat at Northern Light Zen Center – November 16th

Greetings to you all!

It’s been a while since I have put up a post.  And what a better time to do so than to announce a one day retreat at Northern Light led by Jose Ramirez JDPSN!  It is taking place on Saturday the 16th of November.  Come join us to practice.  Enjoy one another’s company.  Interviews will be given by Jose.

Jose is a excellent teacher and the Guiding Teacher and abbot of the Delaware Valley Zen Center, which he helped found in the Spring of 1999. He has been practicing in the Kwan Um School of Zen since 1994, and received Inka in April 2009. He has a degree in mathematics from the Universidad Simón Bolívar in Caracas, Venezuela, and a Master and Ph.D in statistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In his role as an industrial statistician he works closely with engineers and scientists to help them make sense of data. He lives in Rhode Island with his wife and daughter.










Emails will be going out to members and friends but we would love it if anyone joined us.  Feel free to email us NLZC@GWI.NET for more info.  Please join us it should be a GREAT day!

One Day Retreat at Northern Light With JDPSN Jose Ramirez.

Greetings to you all!

On July 13th the Northern Light Zen Center held a one day retreat lead by JDPSN Jose Ramirez.  It was a warm day and got warmer as the day wore on but we sat diligently.  Each of us in turn having an interview with Jose.  It was Wonderful!  There were a total of 10 of us there including JDPSN Jose.  Our noon meal was very delicious and we all enjoyed it mindfully.  Personally I think I may have finally gotten the hang of the four bowl process.  I am a slow learner I guess!

After the retreat was over we all enjoyed ice cream and cookies with tea.  Easily a high point after the warm day.  We enjoyed one another’s company and all too soon it was time to clean up and be on our way.  It was a very successful day and a great retreat.  Good Practice was had by all.

July 13 Retreat
July 13 Retreat
July 13 Retreat
July 13 Retreat

Our March Retreat at NLZC

Hi Everyone!  I wanted to put up a belated post about our first retreat here at the New Northern Light Zen Center.  It was held the weekend of March 2nd and 3rd.  The Retreat was led by our guiding teacher Zen Master Soeng Hyang.  I think it was very well attended.  Lots of sitting practice and interviews with ZMSH.  Wonderful!  We had about 15 folks and the space felt great.  And of course the food was excellent.  Please let me know if I have left something or someone important out and I can update this post.  Check out the pictures!
