49 Day Ceremony for Colin Fay.

Colin Fay
Colin at a precepts ceremony April 3, 2016 – Providence Zen Center

Please join us on Saturday, February 6 at 11 a.m. EDT for the 49 Day Ceremony for Colin Fay, Abbot Emeritus of the Nothern Light Zen Center, who passed away on December 19th. 

He knew and studied with Zen Master Seung Sahn at the Cambridge Zen Center. His passion for our practice led him to be a founding member of this sangha in 2002. His energy and generosity led to the creation of our dharma room in the basement of his Brunswick home, and later to the purchase and renovation of our center in Topsham. He encouraged many of us in our practice. His great Bodhisattva spirit, exemplified by his smile and joking around, will long be remembered by those he leaves behind. 

The  ceremony will take place on Zoom. If you wish to attend, please send us an email at northernlightzencenter@gmail.com so that we can send you the Zoom invite.