An Update from the Maine Buddhist Gathering.

In case there are folks who are not in the Maine Buddhist Gathering email chain, I wanted to add this update.

Dear Maine Buddhist Gathering Community,

The Maine Buddhist Gathering was inspired by a desire to bring together different sanghas, meditation groups, individuals and Buddhist traditions to share resources, build community, and support practice. We maintained a listing of sanghas and meditation centers throughout the state, and served as a resource for individuals with established practices as well as those new to practice. Over the years we hosted  Buddhist Movie Nights, potlucks, talks, and community meditation events. Thank you to everyone who supported these efforts.

We want to let you know that in the next couple of weeks, the Maine Buddhist Gathering’s website will no longer be available. There are many other on-line resources and ways for folks to find their way to practice, and, we don’t think the absence of our website will have a negative impact on the community. Some examples of these resources are: https://www.buddhanet.info, or the sangha listings on our website that will be available for a couple more weeks. 

In addition, Nancy Markowitz, a Maine Buddhist Gathering member, has expressed an interest in hosting some Buddhist themed events in the future. She invites you to join her mailing list and learn more about her plans.If you’re interested, email her directly at:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. Rest assured that your email address associated with the Maine Buddhist Gathering will not be shared.

Be well, and thank you for our continued practice,

The Maine Buddhist Gathering

Northern Light Zen Center October Retreat!

On October 29th we had a one-day retreat at Northern Light Zen Center. A lot of sitting meditation! Strong practice. On zoom as well as live! We have a half-day retreat coming up in November on the 26th! All are welcome to join us!

L-R Tara Phoenix, Jay Seiler, Terry Cronin JDPSN, Ron Turcotte, Peter Kennedy, Adam Pereira Not pictured – Jane Harter, Bill Robitzek (from zoom)


Hello to Northern Light Zen Center’s Community Sangha!

We have been planning a ‘Sangha Back Yard Pot Luck Picnic’ at the Center and you and your family/ friends/ significant others are invited to join in. 

Date:        Saturday, August 20 (rain date August 21)

Time:       11:30 am – 4:00 pm

Place:        Northern Light Zen Center

202 Meadow Rd, Topsham, ME 04086


–Pot Luck!!! (Summertime specials)

–Drinks (We will have iced chai tea on hand)

–We will have chairs but feel free to bring a lawn chair if you prefer

–Grillables We will have grills available. If you wish to grill, bring whatever you like.

–Lawn games – Such as bocci, badminton, checkers, or a game your children would like to play.   Corn toss (got it covered) and chess (check)!

We look forward to being with our Sangha friends for a relaxing summer afternoon!

Precepts Ceremony at Northern Light Zen Center!

On May 28th at 1 O’Clock friends and family gathered at Northern Light for the Zen Center’s very first Precepts Ceremony. There were 3 preceptees taking 5 precepts and 1 person formally becoming a Dharma Teacher. It was an exciting day.

In the past, all ceremonies like precepts and such were done at the main zen center for the region. In the case of Maine and the Americas that would be Providence Zen Center. Those were always great ceremonies and a wonderful time for the larger Sangha to gather and see old friends and Teachers! Since COVID has been upon us this has cause the School to reconsider how we do ceremonies such as these. There are many reasons that we won’t list here but suffice it to say this led us to this special time.

During our ceremony, Kait Pressey, Jake Worth, and Edie Clemente took the 5 precepts, were given their Dharma Names, and got their robes and kasas. Jay Seiler formally received his bowls and became a Dharma Teacher. It was a very special time. Terry Cronin, JDPSN, and Bill Robitzek Senior Dharma Teacher led the ceremony as Preceptors.

Refreshments were served afterward and folks gathered to mingle and chat with one another. Wonderful together action. Thank you to all who attended in person and on zoom.

front l to r - Jay Seiler, Edie Clemente, Jake Worth, Kait Pressey Back l to r – Ken Grey, Bill Robitzek, Terry Cronin JDPSN, Tex Haeuser, Ron Turcotte, Darren Brown.

Best of Topsham Awards – Northern Light Zen Center

Hey, check it out! We won a ‘best of’ award. Not bad, eh? According to the Town of Topsham, “We are happy to announce that Northern Light Zen Center has been selected as the winner for 2022 Best of Topsham Awards in the category of Religious Organization.”

Come visit us and practice with us! We can share what it is that makes us special.

The Platform Sutra: Hui Neng, The Sixth Ancestor

Our first class on “The Platform Sutra: Hui Neng, the Sixth Ancestor” with Zen Master Dae Kwan will go live tomorrow on Monday, March 7 at 7 PM Eastern. Please note that this is seven hours later than usual. See this event in your time zone
Session One: The Platform Sutra begins with an autobiography of the Sixth Patriarch, who attained enlightenment after hearing just one line from the Diamond Sutra. In this first session, we’ll cover the Sixth Patriarch’s life and connect his teaching of “no-thinking,” “no form,” and “non-attachment” (4.5-4.8) in the Platform Sutra to Zen Master Seung Sahn’s teaching. We’ll then discuss the Sixth Patriarch’s conversation with a novice monk who mistook “non-attachment” as his “original-thing” (8.13-8.15).Preparation: Please read these sections on “no-thinking” as our teaching, “non-form” as our substance, and “non-attachment” as our fundamental principle: 4.5-4.8 (pp. 191-193) and 8.13-8.15. (pp. 246- 247) 
1. The Platform Sutra, translated by Zen Master Dae Kwang and Zen Master Dae Kwan (Download PDF here)

About the teacher:
Zen Master Dae Kwan, a Zen nun, was born in Hong Kong. She was previously called Hyang Um Sunim, and her Pali name is Suddhamma. In the 1970s she studied sutras for three years at the Kwok Kwong Buddhist College. In 1981, she ordained at Ajahn Chaa’s International Forest Monastery in Thailand, and she practiced in Chiangmai for ten years including two years of intensive solo retreat in Tu Boo Cave. In 1995, she received inka from Zen Master Seung Sahn. In April 2001 she received tranmission at Mu Sang Sah in Korea. She is now the abbot and guiding teacher of Su Bong Zen Monastery in Hong Kong. She has translated the following books into Chinese: “Dropping Ashes on Buddha,” “Only Don’t Know,” and “The Whole World is a Single Flower.” 

If you are interested in attending please email for the zoom info, meeting id/passcode
If you have any questions for the session, please email them ahead of time to so we can make sure to address your question.In the dharma,

No Extended Practice this Weekend!

 A reminder that there will be no Extended Practice this Saturday. We had our December retreat earlier this month, but also, with the impending storm, it is likely that the Center won’t be shoveled out in time for practice Saturday anyway. Please do note on your calendar the next one-day retreat is to take place on the last Saturday of February.

Enjoy your weekend!