New Front Steps going into Northern Light Zen Center!

Our old cement front steps have become deteriorated and unsafe. We decided we needed to replace them as soon as we could. One of our members, Peter Kennedy, volunteered to get things done! That’s kind of his bag. He is pictured above with Terry Cronin, JDPSN using a jackhammer to break the steps up. The steps will be replaced with a wooden deck.

This coming Wednesday, please enter the zen center for practice from the back entrance behind the Dharma Room.

The Finished Steps! Awesome.

Northern Light Zen Center Precepts Ceremony.

L – R Robert Correa, Terry Cronin JDPSN, Adam Pereira, Patricia Miller.

Northern Light held a precepts ceremony on July 22nd. We welcomed three preceptees into the Kwan Um tradition at Northern Light! The three people taking 5 precepts were Robert Correa, Adam Pereira, and Patricia Miller. All three have been members of our sangha for some time. Welcome! After the ceremony we had a sangha picnic. It was a great day.

Our April 29th Retreat!

We held a retreat on April 29th at the Northern Light Zen Center. What a wonderful group and very strong practice! If you would like to take part in our next retreat please send us an email to inquire. All are welcome!

L – R Bill Robitzek,Chelsea Scott, Terry Cronin JDPSN, Darren Brown, Ron Turcotte, Edith Clemente

From the Kwan Um School of Zen

Congratulations to our new Ji Do Poep Sa Nim and two new Zen masters! They received inka or transmission on April 1, 2023 at Providence Zen Center, U.S.A.
Photo from left to right:
Marshall White JDPSN
Zen Master Tan Gong (José Ramírez)
Zen Master Hye Mun (Barry Briggs)

Our January 21st Retreat with Dyan Eagles, JDPSN

On the 21st of January, we had a retreat with Dyan Eagles, JDPSN. She teaches at the Cambridge Zen Center in Cambridge MA. It was a beautiful day, well attended with lots of strong practice. We had folks join us from the Cade Cod Zen Center, as well as the usual retinue from the Northern Light Zen Center. A wonderful day! Thank you to all who made it so.

January 21st Retreat
Our January Retreat! Front L-R Bill Robitzek, Jay Seiler Siobhan Green, Adam Pereira. Standing Rear L-R Peter Kennedy, Michael Sharp, Dyan Eagles JDPSN, Terry Cronin JDPSN, Darren Brown, John Stewart, Jan Stewart

An Update from the Maine Buddhist Gathering.

In case there are folks who are not in the Maine Buddhist Gathering email chain, I wanted to add this update.

Dear Maine Buddhist Gathering Community,

The Maine Buddhist Gathering was inspired by a desire to bring together different sanghas, meditation groups, individuals and Buddhist traditions to share resources, build community, and support practice. We maintained a listing of sanghas and meditation centers throughout the state, and served as a resource for individuals with established practices as well as those new to practice. Over the years we hosted  Buddhist Movie Nights, potlucks, talks, and community meditation events. Thank you to everyone who supported these efforts.

We want to let you know that in the next couple of weeks, the Maine Buddhist Gathering’s website will no longer be available. There are many other on-line resources and ways for folks to find their way to practice, and, we don’t think the absence of our website will have a negative impact on the community. Some examples of these resources are: https://www.buddhanet.info, or the sangha listings on our website that will be available for a couple more weeks. 

In addition, Nancy Markowitz, a Maine Buddhist Gathering member, has expressed an interest in hosting some Buddhist themed events in the future. She invites you to join her mailing list and learn more about her plans.If you’re interested, email her directly at:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. Rest assured that your email address associated with the Maine Buddhist Gathering will not be shared.

Be well, and thank you for our continued practice,

The Maine Buddhist Gathering

Northern Light Zen Center October Retreat!

On October 29th we had a one-day retreat at Northern Light Zen Center. A lot of sitting meditation! Strong practice. On zoom as well as live! We have a half-day retreat coming up in November on the 26th! All are welcome to join us!

L-R Tara Phoenix, Jay Seiler, Terry Cronin JDPSN, Ron Turcotte, Peter Kennedy, Adam Pereira Not pictured – Jane Harter, Bill Robitzek (from zoom)