Dear Sangha,
The annual Kwan Um School of Zen | Americas (KUSZa) Town Hall meeting is an occasion for us as a Sangha to listen to one another, an opportunity for discussion on topics of practice and community in our local Zen Centers and in the wider Kwan Um School of Zen. During the Town Hall, every participant is given the space to speak from the heart, and all are invited to listen deeply to different perspectives and experiences.
Historically, the Town Hall meetings took place in-person at the Providence Zen Center during one of the sangha weekends. To broaden accessibility and participation, we are taking the Town Hall to Zoom. We will have two sessions in January, and we ask that you register for one of them.
- Saturday, January 11th @ 4:00pm PST/ 7:00pm ESTÂ
- Monday, January 13th @ 12:00pm PST/3:00pm EST
Click here to register for a town hall.
The pandemic forever changed the way many of us engage with practice at our local Zen Centers and with the Kwan Um School of Zen. The virtual platform of Zoom allowed the possibility to continue practicing together during enforced isolation. Zoom also granted the unprecedented opportunity to practice with members who live at a far distance and even on different continents. What has been your experience?
- How connected do you feel with your local Zen Center (if you have a local Zen Center)?
- Do you feel connected with any Zen Centers that are far from you physically?
- How connected do you feel with the wider Kwan Um School of Zen?
- What would help you feel more connected to your Zen Center and to the Kwan Um School of Zen?
- Are there any topics you would like to be discussed at the Town Hall?
We would like to make a special invitation to those who have not yet participated in wider Kwan Um School of Zen events. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet and hear from people from different parts of our school, in the past only possible with travel.
Whether you plan to attend the Town Hall or not, please take a moment to answer the KUSZa survey questions. Your feedback will help guide our discussion. Click here to share your thoughts.
Thank you for your continued dedication to practice and for sharing your voice in this important discussion. Your presence and input will help shape the future of our community and our connection to one another, both locally and globally.
We look forward to seeing you at the Town Hall and hearing your thoughts.
In gratitude,
Kwan Um School of Zen | Americas