From the Kwan Um School

Hi All,

As some of you know, we use Mailchimp to deliver emails for Chanting Requests, Weekly Teaching Pieces, and News & Events. This is a list people need to sign up for on their own if they want the emails.

We want to be sure everyone gets the information they are interested in. News & Events is the one list that spreads the word about sangha weekends, our yearly fundraiser, inka and transmission recipients, Kyol Che, and other important info about the school as a whole.

We do not directly email members about such news, they have to be subscribed to the email list to receive these.Can you please put something in your local email lists or announcements to direct folks to our website page to sign up for the email list?

We need your help to reach people.Please go to to sign up for any of these email lists, and be sure to at least pick the News & Events in order to stay up-to-date on the school’s happenings!

Thank you all for the help,


Mary Kay

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