What a Winter!!

This has been quite a winter so far huh folks?!  Between recovering from surgeries and (live) trapping mice AND work I have been quite busy.  And sleeping very well thank you.  I need a good place to release live mice during the winter. I have been going to a nlz1033112462036 lumber yard but I am not sure how good that is.  Oh well, as a cousin used to say, “Life is Such”.

So let’s think about spring coming since we know it invariably will.  With it will come warmer breezes and birds and grass…. but first will come our Spring/Summer schedule!

Check out our events page and see what’s coming up.  First is a two day retreat in March with Nancy Hedgpeth JDPSN.  Should be an ‘enlightening’ weekend!  Keep digging snow and we will see you around the Zen Center.


Practice on Christmas Eve, Wednesday the 24th has been canceled.

Just wanting to let everyone know.  Since Wednesday practice falls on the 24th.  We are thinking most folks are going to want to spend that time with their respective families.  So Practice for that night has been canceled.

But….we are tentatively having an extended practice on New Years Eve!  Sitting, Chanting, followed by tea and who knows what?! For more info send Colin an email at nlzc@gwi.net

Remember to Check for a TOPSHAM parking ban


As I write this the snow is coming down hard and it is predicted to snow quite a bit. Remember that we here at NLZC want you to be safe and caution you against driving in adverse conditions. If the town of Topsham has a parking ban on you may consider that Practice for the night has been cancelled. Regardless, only drive in conditions that you feel comfortable in and always err on the side of safety. Be safe.



We found our caretaker

The opening we had at Northern Light Zen Center for a resident caretaker has been taken.  Thank you to all who have expressed interest.  If there are any questions regarding our Zen Center please feel free to email us.

There is a Room Opening up at NLZC!

We have a room opening coming up at NLZC.  It will be available Sept 1st.  This is the advertisement we have been posting about.  If you are interested or know of someone who might be give us a shout!

Northern Light Zen Center is seeking a second live-in caretaker for its two-bedroom Zen center in Topsham.  This would be ideal for an individual who wants to trade light, unskilled maintenance/cleaning for an attractive rent ($340/mo, includes heat, electric, water). Sorry, but no pets are allowed. Membership and practicing with the group are encouraged but not required; must accommodate group’s practice schedule and have a sincere respect for spiritual practice.  Available Sept 1st, so contact us soon.  For more info email jspencerseiler@gmail.com

One Moment Meditation

Hi Everyone!

I just got back yesterday from a Retreat at Open Meadow Zen Center.  As always it was a great day and I feel that my practice is stronger for it.  I also picked up one of the new OMZC t-shirts!  I am lobbying for Northern Light to do something similar.  I think that would be awesome.

So I stumbled onto this youtube video about a one minute meditation.  It is pretty good and enlightening, ha!  Pun very much intended. Anyway here is the link; One Moment Meditation

If that really turned you on, the guy who created the short video, Martin Boroson, has a website.   http://onemomentmeditation.com  You might find that interesting too.   Enjoy!

