(originally posted March 16th 2020)
Dear Friends,
How are you? In response to the risks of COVID-19 transmission, Northern Light Zen Center will be suspending all programs, effective immediately. We expect this suspension to last four-six weeks, possibly longer.
In making this decision, our Zen center joins many other centers around the country to take steps important to the safety of the sangha. Beginning today, the suspension affects the following programs: – Wednesday evening practices – last Saturday extended practice – if further extended, the one day retreat in April.
During this suspension, we encourage you to practice meditation regularly. Terry PSN will continue to offer interviews by appointment, through Zoom or by phone, in which you can discuss practice, daily life and also do kong-ans. Please contact him at tcronin1956@gmail.com if you would like to schedule time.
We will also attempt to keep in regular contact with readings, quotes and information. If anyone has any suggestions in this regard, please contact us. Please also let the sangha know if you are ill so we can give whatever support is possible. We have always sought to make the Zen center a safe place for practice and self-investigation, and it never occurred to us that public health concerns would enter into this. But here we are and we must follow the best available recommendations. Thank you for your support.
In the Dharma, Bill